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Plant Medicine 

Plant medicine has been a passion of herbalist and owner Emily Richter for as long as she can remember. Leaning on the plants for both physical and spiritual nourishment. Emily's goal is to not only be available for herbal guidance but to help educate other's on their own plant path. Introducing plants into your life does not need to be scary it can be as simple as a cup of tea!


Formal  Herbalism Education

Herbal Foundations - The Ronzio School of Holistic Health - Lilian & Gina Ronzio (2019)

Heart of Herbs - Herbal Certification - 360 hours  (2019) 

Natural Living - Kami Mcbride - Herbal Oils / Walking the plant medicine path (2020)

The Commonwealth of Boston School of Holistic Herbalism - Community Herbalist - Current Program (2019 - current) 

The School of evolutionary herbalism - Astro herbalism certification 

Self nourishment + Empowerment + Growth

To schedule an herbal consultation with Emily email


If you want to change your life for good and discover what it feels like to take control of your own wellbeing, get in touch with us today.

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